Katie and Jocelyn came to visit which means that they also got saddled with the task of feeding and caring for the babies while Jen tried to get a few things done around the apartment. One of these days the babies are going to be too old for this and we're going to be on our own to care for them and take care of our normal household tasks.
That day will be a sad, sad day.

This morning, while Jen was at Yoga, I took care of feeding the babies their lunch. As I played with Elliott I didn't notice that in my other hand Martin had fallen asleep sitting up and drinking from his bottle. This made for an easy transition into bed where he slept for several hours. His brother, on the other hand, was a bit less cooperative and I was required to entertain him for the entirety of his brother's fantastic nap.

After Martin woke up I entertained him in the kitchen while I prepared dinner. I just needed to watch him to make sure he didn't eat any of the grocery bags that he could get his grimy little paws on.

For dinner our friend Gina brought over this Game of Thrones Iron Throne Blonde Ale from Brewery Ommegang. We'd never actually seen Game of Thrones but we were big fans of Ommegang so we were happy to enjoy a Belgian-style ale while Gina filled us in on the entire plot of the first season. I'm pretty sure we're completely caught up now. There's a lot of boobs and horse people. Got it.

I wanted to make some Renaissance Faire style turkey legs but I couldn't find any so I went with something authentically medieval and made braised lamb shanks. I braised them with garlic, shallots, leeks, mushrooms, carrots, brown ale, chicken stock, marjoram, bay leaf, sage, and thyme. I also made some boiled potatoes with butter, olive oil, salt, pepper, and parsley.

After dinner Elliott refused to go to bed -- stealing a move from his older brother -- so Gina was kind enough to entertain him. Jen and I are shameless in forcing our guests into baby care.

To keep with this medieval theme I also had this La Médiévale from Les Brasseurs du Hameau and sold exclusively at Le Gobelet in Quebec. I felt the weird man on the label with the sword should fit in nicely with this book and television series that I've never seen. The beer was enjoyable, though overly carbonated. I suppose the head on this beer was was analogous to the boobs in the television series.
You've got to love HBO.
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