I didn't need to shower so I just turned the shower up to full blast and let them steam for a bit. It seems wasteful to just run hot water for no real reason. It also is weird to hang out in a tiny bathroom from the 1940s with your two children for nearly an hour. It seems like some sort of panic room situation.

For dinner I cooked them up some acorn squash on the recommendation of a friend and they loved it. It ranked highly in the list of foods they've tried so far.
The Wombats' Favorite Foods (in descending order from favorite to least favorite)
- Pears
- Sweet Potato
- Acorn Squash
- Avocado
- Peaches*
- Butternut Squash
- Carrot
- Peas

After seventeen hours of being awake I feel surprisingly awake. In fact, after only four-and-a-half hours of sleep this morning I felt like a million bucks. Elliott woke up just before my alarm and I felt better than I've felt in months! It's amazing how adaptable the human body is to a need for sleep. I have long thought that the rigorous pace I keep in my teens and early twenties of working seventeen hour days and averaging five hours of sleep a night was just something I could never handle in my advanced age. Apparently I was wrong as I'm getting less sleep now than at any point in my life.
And I feel great. The smile of the Wombats in the morning and the promise of a tasty beer with Jen in the evening is all I need to make it through most days. You just kind of get used to exhaustion after a while.
Sleep is overrated.
The reason you felt so great is that you/we got six, not four-and-a-half, hours' sleep. That extra 90 minutes is make or break.
You can believe what you want to believe. I prefer to believe the truth.
I don't see bananas on the list of favorite foods.
I agree about 6 vs 4.5! 6 is totally doable, and 4.5 is a nightmare of pain, in my experience. Of course lately I have considered it a great injustice if I don't get 10-12 hours of sleep over the course of a day, so I may not be a great authority.
I was going to mention the banana ommission myself (being one of the many family members who abhors this vile fruit!) I know it ranks near the bottom of the list, but certainly not below the dreaded peas!
The banana reaction was so horrific I'm now pretending bananas don't exist, and therefore can't be included on a list.
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