In the morning Martin was looking a bit more rested than I felt.

Before Jen got home from the airport I put Elliott in the walker and Martin in the new Jumperoo we got last week. Elliott does not like it when people other than him get to use the Jumperoo. He mostly just glares until that person (usually Martin) is removed and the Jumperoo gets its rightful passenger: Elliott.

Martin was having a bit of a rough afternoon with teething pain. We gave him some tablets and finally some Tylenol.

Eventually he fell asleep after chewing on the obligatory giraffe-shaped teething ring.

After a family nap we fed the guys and let them play around a bit. Then we gave them some gentle persuasion to exchange some hugs. They hugged each other a bit but mostly Elliott tried to suck on Martin's forehead when Martin wasn't busy trying to strangle Elliott or Elliott wasn't busy trying to headbutt Martin.
Now that's brotherly love.

For dinner I roasted a pork tenderloin, some pee wee potatoes, and cooked some broccoli rabe. Whenever we eat broccoli rabe these days we think of the time we were seated beside a couple at a restaurant in Burlington, Vermont. When the plate arrived it had broccoli rabe on it. The woman ate the broccoli rabe and then proclaimed: "I don't know what that is but it is not good!"

To accompany the pork I put out this Maine Maple Champagne Mustard from Stonewall Kitchen. It was pretty much as delicious as it sounded.

While away Jen was jealous of my time with the Wombats. I was jealous of her independence and ability to grab a drink with friends.
Jen returned from Utah with not one, not two, not three, but four amazing beers that you can't get in New York. Apparently there was one polygamy-themed beer at the hotel she was going to bring back but some good friends recommended a drive to Epic Brewing where she picked up some great stuff.
Tonight we had the Brainless IPA Release #2 tonight, a limited edition Belgian style IPA. It was one of the more beautiful beers I've ever seen and the taste followed up the appearance quite nicely. I'm jealous of the people of Utah having access to such a great brewery.
It's great to have Jen back at home. Not only for the baby help but for the companionship and the rousing conversation while we watch NHL hockey and discuss the wonders of parenthood.
And for the free beer.
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