The world looks a lot different with six hours sleep.

After returning home tonight I started using up all our leftovers. I started off with this Cambazola, sliced pear, Marcona almond, and sunflower honey.

For the second leftover dish I made a carpaccio of Chiogga beets with lemon, mustard, honey, salt, pepper, and olive oil.

For the main course I cooked up some crushed garlic, farm onion, farm eggplant, leftover veal schnitzel, farm broccoli (all four florets!), and sliced olives. I tossed it all together with some butter, spaghetti, and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano.

In our continued Oktoberfest celebration we enjoyed these Oktoberfest Marzens from Left Hand Brewing Company. This was another in a line of very nice Märzens. While I'm not a huge fan of lagers the Märzen style is generally one I enjoy quite a bit. This one had a very nice caramel malt character and a little bit of a grassy taste from the hops. Sadly there is only one Märzen left after tonight. I think I had far too many Oktoberfest beers last year and I'm running out of new ones to try this year. Let's hope that more breweries jump on this exceptionally tiny bandwagon next year!

After dinner we enjoyed what would probably be our final walk to Longford's Own Made Ice Cream of the year. This is our favorite ice cream place and Jen's father's least favorite place on Earth. They had some new flavors so I tried this PB&J flavored ice cream. It was delicious. Jen and I had been discussing PB&J sandwiches earlier in the evening which caused her to claim that they were "disgusting." That caused me to claim that I didn't believe she actually knew what the word disgusting meant. Does this really disgust her?
Apparently Canadians do not like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. This fact is the source of much marital strife for us. It's hard to know how two people from such wildly different lands can possibly make it work but somehow we do.
Love is just that strong.
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