After that we headed to the Container Store and Babies 'R' Us to shop for some last minute items, headed home for a quick breather, then back to another class on baby care. I think the main goal of the baby care class was to populate it with people so undereducated about baby care as to boost our own morale on the subject.
We're pretty much a baby experts.

Upon returning home I fired up the grill to make a quick dinner to give us the energy to continue powering through our home cleanup. I grilled up some sausages from the freezer and served them on some rolls with SchoolHouse Kitchen Sweet Smooth Hot mustard and leftover Bubbies sauerkraut from St. Patrick's Day.

Since we got home kind of late from our class I didn't have too much time to make an appropriate side dish. Instead I made this. This is a pasta salad with Cotija cheese, tomato, red onion, cilantro, vidalia onion dressing, and cumin. It was pretty good but instantly broke what had previously been a perfect German theme for the meal.

For beer I had this Wildeman Farmhouse IPA from Flying Dog Brewery I don't think I've had too much from Flying Dog in the past. Their label art intimidates me. I will not let this intimidate me anymore because this beer was damn good.
I didn't honestly read that it said IPA on the label while I was drinking it. I simply enjoyed the farmhouse style. Could there be anything better to drink in the open air than a farmhouse ale? Maybe listening to Farmhouse by Phish would even enhance the experience Unfortunately it may attract the unbathed hippies across the street who were streaming into some house party that was blaring Jackson Browne's "Running on Empty."
On second thought, let's just stick with the beer.
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