That's when I came across this three-and-a-half pound ham steak at my local butcher shop. That, I thought, is what I'm making for breakfast. The only problem, of course, is that there are only two of us.
No matter, I thought. We would be able to use the leftovers and it would be well worth it to feature this cartoonishly large ham steak complete with bone.
I rubbed on side with salt and brown sugar before placing it in a hot pan with some butter, while it cooked I rubbed the other side, flipped it after it browned nicely, then finished it in the oven until done.

While it cooked I made up some scrambled eggs with feta and dill.

Also, I made a short stack of pancakes -- Jen's favorite part of the meal -- with syrup and butter.

To accompany this breakfast I chose the hard-to-find Breakfast Stout by Founder Brewing Company. This is a pretty hard beer to find around here but I spotted one lone bottle at the beer shop and snatched it up. I don't think I'm as skilled a stout drinker as I need to be to fully appreciate this one but it was very tasty and I enjoyed it immensely. This is the second stout I've had in the past three nights which I think is a new personal best.
The only way we get stronger is by setting goals for ourselves.

Since we'd had so much sweetness for dinner, mainly in the form of maple syrup, I decided to put out some cheese for dessert. I put out this petit brie from Lactalis. I'm not sure if it was intentional but it seemed to be a bit on the stinky side. After a few bites I decided to move back to my stout and some chocolate from our giant salad bowl full of chocolate that remains, perpetually full, in our living room all year round.
No one knows where the chocolate comes from but not matter how much we eat it is always full.
It's not just that the pancakes are my favorite part - its that the whole reason for Shrove Tuesday is to eat pancakes!!!
I stopped at the ham steak. No need to go further
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