I washed the farm spinach about thirty-five times before making this salad with spinach, farm tomatoes, and some torn leaves of opal basil. The salad was topped with this creamy sweet chili dressing which bares a striking resemblance to last night's dipping sauce for the fried okra. Maybe because I just added a little more sweet chili sauce, soy sauce, and rice wine vinegar to thin it out before drizzling it on the spinach and sprinkling with sesame seeds.

Twice a year (approximately) I like to break out the wok. Since it gets so little use it essentially looks as it did when it was brand new. Since I purchased one for Jen as a gift and a second for myself before we moved in together we will be using this model wok easily for the rest of our lives.

In the wok I heated some canola and sesame oil and toasted some slices of the farm eggplant. After removing it from the pan I toasted some crushed garlic, sesame seeds, and diced ginger. After a minute I threw in some of the farm Wala Wala onions, sliced carrot, farm green peppers, and then returned the eggplant. At the end I finished it off with a sauce of soy, rice vinegar, and cornstarch.
I served the dish over plain white rice with torn opal basil leaves. I also used a square plate to accentuate its exotic ethnic nature.

As an accompaniment to tonight's pseudo-Asian meal I poured this Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale from Kiuchi Brewery in Japan. This was a pretty tasty beer and it featured a cartoon owl which is a pretty nice feature for a beer. Not enough beers feature cartoon owls these days.
It's this younger generation. They have no appreciation for a cartoon owl.
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