Since we've only been in Bordeaux for a few days I'm not yet an expert so today it was time to finally get out and explore this city.

Over breakfast I tried to recreate my "Euro Douche" look but instead Jen said I looked like a sleepy owl. We'd overslept and spent too long looking for our lost hotel key and missed breakfast so by the time we got to the cafe, ordered our breakfast, then reordered because my hot water was froid, we were ready to get out there and explore.
We did a lot!

I saw a tiny truck.

Jen posed in front of a Garden.

I photographed some bees.
You know, all the typical tourist traps you'd expect someone to fall into.

We needed a place for lunch and there was a restaurant we passed called Restaurant L'Entrecote but after our last trip to France where I was served entrecote multiple times without ever ordering it Jen suggested we go to Paul instead.

Paul is good in that you generally get what you order. This is especially true when Jen orders, not so true when I stumble through an order in French.

"If beings knew, as I know, the results of sharing gifts, they would not enjoy their gifts without sharing them with others, nor would the taint of stinginess obsess the heart and stay there. Even if it were their last and final bit of food, they would not enjoy its use without sharing it, if there were anyone to receive it."
Itivuttaka 18

After lunch we had to split up. Soo I ordered what is considered a large coffee and rode up our tiny elevator to our room.

Jen had an exciting adventure which involved drinks and a manicure.

I had an unexciting adventure which involved watching the Tour de France and napping.

After a quick run to the airport to pick up arriving guests we went out for dinner where I had the hot goat cheese salad and Jen had a salmon terrine.

Then it was entrecote (for Jen, not me) and salmon Bearnaise.

Then we ended our dinner with the pear tart and chocolate mousse.

After dinner we headed back to the hotel and had some drinks at a nearby restaurant including these giant Affligem beers.

Then, to top off a perfect night, I took this picture of myself with no looking where I pretended to be laughing at something. It was in tribute to the Bordelais that asked Matt to take candid shots of them on Monday night. It kind of ruins the effect if I tell you this "candid" shot was totally fake but I'm so proud of the fakeness that I feel someone must know.
Honesty is the best policy.
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