Sorry to bring up the weather. Weather is kind of boring but it's important to note why we've been grilling so much lately. I also happen to love grilling but when the temperature gets much over 90°F and you aren't fortunate enough to have air conditioning it's hard to cook inside.

Firstly I used up the remaining grilled peaches from last night with some romaine, balsamic, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Not setting the world on fire with this one but that was kind of the point. It only took a minute to make.

Everything else (pretty much) was from the grill. The only thing I didn't grill were some cherries and a the potato I used to make this baked potato salad. I simply baked a potato (in the microwave, of course) and made a dressing out of sour cream, whole grain mustard, fresh dill, cider vinegar, salt, and pepper. The dressing actually worked really well with the rest of the meal too.
I grilled up the remaining corn, radicchio from the farm share, pork tenderloin, and green beans. The green beans had a strange flavor to them. It turns out it was dill. After spending a week in the same bag in the fridge with the fresh dill they'd actually taken on a very strong flavor of dill which worked out far better than I would have imagined. Normally I wouldn't add dill to green beans mostly because there'd just be no discernible color contrast.
This is because, as I've stated before, I am kind of a jerk.

For a drink Jen opened some rose but I had this Pennant Ale '55 from Brooklyn Brewery. This one has been in the fridge for about four or five months. This is mostly because I just didn't think it would be very good. For some reason a baseball themed beer makes me think it would have tasted like the beer you'd get at a game. More specifically: Coors Lite.
However, I should have known better than to suspect Brooklyn Brewery of making anything that vile. I don't know if it was the delicious grilled food or the fact that my even my kneecaps were sweating but this beer was delicious. It was a perfect accompaniment to a fine grilled dinner.
A nice way to cool off after dinner, besides leftover ice cream, was to watch the last real stage of this year's Tour de France. Watching skinny guys suffer and sweat their way through the Alps on bicycles definitely cools your core temperature a little. And we could use any help we could get to cool us down.
104° is a Lot of °.
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