Bouncing flash. That sounds like a euphemism for drug dealing.

Tonight's dinner was pretty lame but I had a lot of opportunity to test things out with this new setup. I made a salad with watercress, radishes, shallot, lemon, olive oil, salt, and pepper. This used up a lot of items from the fridge and Jen even went back to the fridge to retrieve some of the remaining ranch dressing.

I had this bruschetta topping that I found over the weekend so I was able to start using it up. The topping itself was not very good. The picture on the jar looked like delicious fresh diced tomatoes. This more closely resembles pasta sauce in flavor and visually. This picture is also one of the most poorly composed I've ever taken. However, the lighting is not bad compared to what I've been putting on here lately.

For dinner I literally grabbed a bunch of things from the fridge, tossed them together in a bowl, and baked them in a casserole dish. This casserole contains: leftover cauliflower, broccoli, the end of a cubed up loaf of bread, hot sauce, leftover cheese sauce, leftover grilled skirt steak, diced concasse of tomato, and the remnants of a box of dried penne. It wasn't the most delicious dinner ever crafted but it was likely the most practical.

And, finally, for beer I had this blonde by Caulier. This beer was not at all what I expected. It didn't taste like a Belgian beer, it was very heavy on the molasses flavor, and it had a ton of sediment floating in the bottome, perhaps the malted barley it warns of on the label. The flavor was good, just not what I was expecting.
However, this is maybe one of the better lighted pictures I've taken here in a while. That, in itself, is exciting enough for me.
Oh, to live in a world where even the "lame" meals looks absolutely fantastic.
Every world has its drawbacks.
or the fact that Caulier is sugar free could account for the below-average flavor.
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