I returned home to brownies (baked for me by Jen) and a giant bowl of homemade risotto. After only four days of eating away from home and I ate both of these items as if I'd been trapped in a well for the better part of a month.
It was great to be back in the kitchen, even though our inventory has dwindled substantially in the week since I last went shopping. For lunch I was forced to eat up the remaining turkey curry from the freezer, something which was actually very good but I ate with a great deal of reluctance.

For salad I didn't have a lot of options. I threw together this salad with every last remaining bit of greenery in the fridge, some apples, lime juice, cumin, smoked paprika, olive oil, salt, and pepper. This salad could have probably benefited from some other things. However, this was all I had to work with.

I used up some frozen ground beef and frozen tortillas to make these burritos with chopped garlic, onion, potato, ground beef, kale, smoked paprika, hot sauce, thyme, oregano, chili powder, and cumin. I had intended to make quesadillas but Jen said that burritos would be better. It seems very obvious now. Who puts ground beef in a quesadilla anyway? An idiot, that's who!

After dinner I had this Pipeline Porter from Kona Brewing Company in Hawaii. This is the second coffee porter I've had and I think that maybe it's just not my thing. They are two flavors that I enjoy separately just not together.
I also enjoy pickles and I enjoy ice cream just not together.
Unless I'm pregnant.
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