Basil, fennel, arugula, lettuce, tomatillo, cherry tomatoes, tomato, garlic, peppers, celery, cucumbers, romano beans, onion, chili peppers.
We only got tomatillo so I think my greatest culinary challenge of the season is going to be figuring out what to do with only one tomatillo. Any recommendations are welcome from all creative and/or tiny chefs out there.

Tonight I utilized some more of the corn, grape tomatoes, and goat cheese along with the lettuce from the farm to make a salad. I also used some of Amy Hepworth's orange grape tomatoes from Milton, NY.

For the main course I used this marinated Amrenian string cheese from Sun-Ni along with some flatbreads and additional grape tomatoes to make a quasi-traditional Armenian dish. Normally I don't know enough about Armenian cooking to know my lahmahjoon from my jilbour but I have it on good authority that this is how one uses Armenian string cheese.
Now this is the first night this week there hasn't been a random Dolly Parton movie on CMT so we're going to have to work to figure out what to do with the rest of our evening.
My vote: watch some reruns of Psych. That would be sweeter than a bowl full of roejeeg!
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