After waiting twenty-five minutes or so I got bored and went home. When I got home I found an email from farmer Ted explaining that the driver was running quite late. Just as I decided to leave a tremendous thunderstorm started which drenched me over the course of the twenty minute round trip walk.

After taking some pretty great pictures of the share my flash memory card on my camera just completely died. I lost all the pictures on the card. Luckily the only pictures that were not backed up on the computer were the several pictures of the farm share haul from this week. Unluckily I have no pictures yet which I why I posted this iPhone picture of the rain-soaked hippies picking up their vegetables.
For the rest of the pictures I had to dust off my trust old (kinda broken) Kodak.
This week we were supposed to get a bag of snow peas but I apparently forgot to get them while trying to hold my umbrella and collect the rest of my vegetables. The things I actually did get: Swiss chard, collard greens, radishes, cucumbers, squash, garlic scapes, purple and green kohlrabi, and some cherries which had tiny bits of disintegrated blue-green container melted in the rain.

For a salad I used the remainder of last week's red romaine with some mixed baby greens. I sliced up the radishes and cucumbers, marinated them with some rice wine vinegar, garlic scapes, olive oil and dill. Jen thought it was a great salad. I thought it was only all right, mostly because of the cucumbers. I am an expert at eating around cucumbers. In fact I delight in not eating them and then throwing them in the garbage.

I hate cucumbers.

We had some archaic sourdough bread around so I sliced it up and toasted it up with some shredded Bergfex and garlic scapes.

For the main course I took some boneless pork loin chops, butterflied them, and stuffed them with the remaining salmon burger mix from Sunday night. I also boiled the kohlrabi and tossed it with sour cream, horseradish, and dill. I also tossed the Swiss chard in the pan after the pork came out of the oven and wilted it with some additional garlic scape.

For dessert I served up some cherries, leftover shortcake, and very loose whipped cream. These cherries were actually leftover from the picnic we had on Saturday. The ones we got form the farm are pretty much past their prime so I decided that I'd have to turn them into something else, maybe preserves, if I intend to use them in any way.

In other culinary news my sim recently got promoted to line cook. His boss assigned him the task of learning how to make ratatouille and he learned it in a little under 24 hours. His boss was so impressed with this incredibly minor feat that he gave my sim a huge bonus, a promotion, and a pay raise. My sim now makes §149 an hour and works the extra sweet schedule of 3:00PM to 8:30PM, five days a week.
If this was how the restaurant industry was in real life I would never have left.
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