Needless to say we got to Brooklyn quite late but when we got there we were greeted with copious amounts of tea. That more than made up for the awful experience with the car.

Caolan made some delicious vegetable chili which we enjoyed with numerous toppings out of extremely ornate, peacock-themed dishes.

I threw together a salad out of some romaine hearts with a cool yogurt dressing to temper the spicy chili. Caolan and Paul were divided on whether I should mention the salads in the blog or I should continue my science-fiction serial, Space Phalanx. We decided, as a group, that I should do both. I think that's an exciting new direction for the blog!
For dessert (and snacks throughout the day) we returned to the large amount of scones and cookies. It was a lot like visiting Jen's family in that respect: large amounts of tea and sweet pastries. So, basically, one of the best days you can imagine.

Today I came home from work and got to work on some fish tacos that I made with some nasty Mission tortillas (because I'm an idiot and forgot to buy good ones, then had to run out to Gristedes), hake, lime, cumin, cayenne, chili powder, sour cream, guacamole, salsa, cilantro, baby greens and Gruyere cheese.

I also made some slaw out of jicama, red cabbage, lime juice, cumin, cayenne, chili powder, salt, and pepper.
This all wend down nicely with my favorite sport: football! I even got to watch Bruce Springsteen command me to step away from my guacamole and listen to him play his crummy songs. Sadly I had no guacamole left to eat defiantly. (I don't do anything The Boss tells me to do. While I had no chicken wings or guacamole to eat in protest I did talk about his crappy music. I also wondered where Clarence Clemens went. It looked as if he'd been replaced with an 8th level mage.)
Yay! Football!
Rockin' those 2nd edition character classes. Maybe he was actually Jen's favorite class, the Specialist Wizard?
Also, you made a salad, but I am no further in my knowledge of the events of the Human-Zzintar Wars.
More Human-Zzintar to come! Also, you should totally follow the blog!
I (heart) specialist wizards!
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