Tonight I had some elaborate plans for dinner, however, things came up that made them devolve into something notably more pedestrian. That something was me re-installing The Sims 2 after a couple of years after not playing it. It runs as smooth as butter on the new computer. Unfortunately one thing lead to another and I ended up putting dinner together last minute. As always, The Sims causes one to neglect things in their real life to focus on making successful lives for their Sims.
So it goes.
I made a repeat salad of beet, blue cheese, and mixed greens. The blue cheese is the only thing that wasn't from the farm. I must say, the blue cheese was even more delicious after reading this ridiculous piece of vegan propoganda horse crap the other day. That article may have been more effective if they used some "Live Science" that wasn't known by the average person in 1753.
For the main course I marinated some swordfish steaks in the still remaining Seggiano raw basil pesto. I browned them in a pan, tossed in some of the farm chard, baked a potato, and boiled some carrots. In retrospect I should have peeled the carrots for the picture. They look quite dull with the skin still on but after peeling it back they were beautiful bright orange and yellow.
After dinner we had intentions to play Rock Band 2 but it was getting late and Jen got sucked into The Sims.
There are precious few farm vegetables left from our winter share. It looks like the next three weeks may again bring us to cooking largely with non farm vegetables. There's only one more winter share pickup to go. Then it'll be about four months until the farm share gets started back up.
What does one blog about if there are no vegetables? I guess we may have to find something interesting. What a drag!
That cheese article is so silly! They make a good point about rennet, I guess--you might not want to eat cheese made by animal rennet if you are a vegetarian--but the stuff about the bacteria is just silliness. It's almost as silly as if you wrote an article about the dangerous active bacterial cultures in yogurt. "People thought yogurt was healthy--but news flash! There's bacteria in it!!!! It has no health benefits at all!!!! In fact it is somehow bad for you."
That's what I'm saying! It's as if vegetables aren't grown in animal poop!
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