Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Indian Summer

Today I came home with the intention of doing two things: 1) making a dinner that was Mexican themed and 2) making a dinner that used up some of our corn.

My score: 50%.

This week we got: 2 red peppers, 1 bunch of leeks, 5 ears of corn (again), 1 1/2 pounds of potatoes, 1 pound of salad mix, 1 pound of carrots, 1 head of bok choy, 1 pound of sweet turnips, 3 squash, and 4 pounds of Yonder Farm apples.

I started off by making a corn salad with the corn, red pepper, wax pepper, red onion, mixed greens, cumin, cardamom, cayenne, and tandoori spice. Normally when the word Indian is used in this close proximity to the word corn it is not the country India that is being referred to. Some would say that there isn't a ton of corn used in Indian cooking (of the non-Native American variety). However, I needed this to lead into my main course . . .

Vegetable Tikka Masala. I cooked up some onion, pepper, eggplant, carrot, and potato then simmered it with some tikka masala sauce. I served it over some basmati rice with the tiny amount of naan we had left in the freezer.

For dinner we had some baked apples that Jen had set up earlier yesterday. I added a little maple syrup and granola to the mix, filled the cored apples and baked them.

Now that we have another four pounds of apples left and we're going away for a long weekend I'm going to have to get creative to use up the rest of these apples. Maybe I can make grilled apples with applesauce for dinner tomorrow night.

Have I mentioned that I don't really care for apples all that much?

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